Today’s blog will be my very first review of a book I’ve read! I am hoping to do this after each book I read for now on. It all depends on how well I liked the book.

Please bear with me if this review sounds like it’s all over the place. Because as much as I love to read books and put my thoughts down in my blog – when it comes to explaining a book I’ve read to people I don’t do so well.

Laura V. Hilton, @Laura_V_Hilton and I are actually followers of each other on Twitter. We are both authors. The first time I saw the cover of The Amish Firefighter I was intrigued and knew it was a book I wanted to read.

In the beginning of this book Laura gives her readers a glossary of German words and phrases the Amish use to help the reader since the author uses these words in her book. At first I found that confusing but it didn’t take long to get used to.

The Amish Firefighter is a book of a community of Amish people living in Missouri. 

I loved reading this book! From the first sentence on the first page I was hooked. That says a lot about a book.

I enjoyed reading about Abby and Sam. About their growing relationship. The way they met at a burning barn.

The farther I read into the book the more twists and turns it took.  While Sam tries to figure out who is causing all the barn burnings Abby finds out she has relatively she didn’t know she had.

At one point of this book the author had me laughing. Can’t remember what it was now, but at the time it was funny.

I enjoyed this book from cover to cover and would highly recommend it to anyone. In fact I loved it so much I purchased another of Laura’s Amish books: The Snow Globe.

All of Laura V. Hilton‘s book can be bought on Amazon and are available on the kindle and paperback. You should get your copy of The Amish Firefighter today!