The other day I was in my local grocery store. I needed to buy more pancake syrup for the French Toast I was planning to make for my family. While looking for Log Cabin Syrup I noticed Mrs Butterworth and that reminded me of a time that I wanted some.

This is what happened to me once upon a time….

When I was little my mom would make pancakes often. She mostly used Log Cabin syrup for the pancakes. On occasion she would buy Aunt Jemima, but for the most part she bought Log Cabin.

One day I saw a commercial for Mrs Butterworth’s Syrup. In the commercial this syrup bottle spoke with the kid at the table. There I was a little girl who thought that was so cool.

So I asked my mom if we could give that a try. She didn’t see anything wrong with it so my mom was kind to me and she bought it.

The next time we had pancakes we used Mrs Butterworth. I was so excited! I open the bottle. I poured some syrup on my pancakes, then put the cap back on and set it on the table.

I sat there looking at this bottle of syrup and I waited. It just stood there. The bottle never spoke to me and I was disappointed. My mom noticed I looked sad and asked me what was wrong.

When I told her about the commercial and the syrup talking and how I was looking forward to it talking to me, my mom gentle explaining it was just a commercial to get people to buy their products. She explained that objects can’t speak to us.

My mom never laughed at me for my being silly and thinking that this syrup bottle was going to speak to me. Instead she showed the love that only a mom can show.

I was a very disappointed little girl that morning. From then on I stayed with Log Cabin.