Through out the course of each of our lives we will all find ourselves going through some kind of a trial. Some of those trials will be small some will be big. Depending on how we deal with each one of those trials,they will either makes us better and stronger or they will tear us apart and destroy us.

I know for me personally when I go through a trial my first thought is “Why is this happening”? It’s impossible to see the bigger picture while I’m going through that trial. What I do find myself doing is looking towards God and asking Him for help. I keep asking Him to help me deal with the current trial that I’m in. I want to know why I’m going through it, but I have to keep reminding myself that in God’s timing I will get my answer. Is it easy? Absolutely not. So then why put my trust in God? Because He has never failed me. I know some how those trials are going to make me stronger. I know those trials make me trust in God more then I normally would.

Sometimes I think these trials are God’s way of seeing who will Trust Him in those tough times and who won’t. I have found for me through those trials trusting in God has made me a stronger person. Those trials made my faith in God stronger. No matter the out come. I need to remind myself often that God knows best.  For the past week now between facebook, Twitter and G+ I have been seeing all these different Bible verses and sayings that keep telling me the same thing. Trust in the Lord, Be patient, God knows, Praise Him in song, Praise Him in Prayer. I got the message that he’s sending to me, but I gotta be honest I’m struggling right now. I don’t want to, but I am only human. I know God is in control. I will NEVER stop trusting in my God. With out Him I’m nothing. With Him all things are possible.