Have you ever heard the saying curiosity killed the cat?  I don’t know if curiosity ever really did kill a cat, but I do know that being to curious about something can hurt a persons feeling. 

Have you ever noticed how fast people get curious over lots of different things. It could be something they read on Facebook. Some commercial they saw on TV. Something somebody said at random. Or even something they saw while walking or taking a drive somewhere. Their curiosity will get to them just enough that they will want to look into it further. To find out what that particular thing is. Sometimes this is good and the person will learn something new. Sometimes this is bad and the person will find out something they didn’t want to know. 

I find with myself I tend to get very curious about all sorts of different things. I then need to make the decision whether or not I really want to know or if I should leave it alone. Sometimes I’m glad I decided to let my curiosity get the better of me and ask questions. Other times I end up wishing I hadn’t asked any questions at all. Sometimes I find stuff out that ends up hurting my feelings. Sometimes what I find out makes me so stressed I get a serious stomach ache. On these occasions I wish I would listen to myself or even my husband when we say “Don’t Be So Curious”.  We both know I’m only going to get hurt, but at the same time there is that part of me that says “I’ll be fine I won’t let what they say get to me.” Of course I let the other people get to me. I let my curiosity get the better of me and I get hurt. 

So sometimes yeah it’s okay to be curious. Other times not so much!