Hey there! It’s been two weeks since my last blog post. I wanted to share this post last week as a continuation for promoting my new book. I ended up not writing a post last week because I was busy with other things.

So here we are two weeks later and I am finally able to share about my books trailer with everyone! I personally love my books trailer. I have a very talented husband when it comes to the computer and putting stuff like book trailers together. Yes, my husband made this trailer for me. He starts the trailer with a picture of the Brooklyn skyline. As the trailer goes on he used pictures of me grown up till present day. Once that was done I helped him pick the music. That was the hardest part. Picking music that I would like and that would fit my personality.

I am hoping my readers will like my books trailer. I am hoping that people will like it and maybe even be a little intrigued. Enough so they will want to read my book.

Ladies & Gentlemen I would like to introduce you to the book trailer for…

Brooklyn Raised / Livin’ Upstate !   ENJOY!