Being an author has been a pretty cool experience for me. I have been an author for about three years now. I still get a kick out of telling people I’m an author when they ask me what I do for a living. Although technically that isn’t my job. What I normally tell people is I’m a SAHM and an author.
I am what is called an Independent (indie) author. Also know as a self-published author. In all honesty I had no idea what I was doing or getting myself into when I decided to become an indie author. My husband assured me it was the right path for me to take with my book. He was right!
In becoming an author I entered a world that I had no idea existed. I became apart of this amazing group of people that are writers and support each other. It’s almost like being apart of this really big family. Even though we don’t actually know each and possibly will never meet each other, we still support each other. I’ve made some awesome friends over the years who are either self-published authors like I am or authors that have gone through traditional publishing agencies. I have learned that authors are normal people just like me. I now know authors who have become my friends that live in the U.S., South Africa, Ireland and England.
For me being an author doesn’t just mean that I wrote a book and got it published. It also means that I have been able to put my own personal experiences in a book for others to read. My personal experiences on how I went through having 3 miscarriages. Being able to put those feelings into a book for others to read means a lot to me. My book I hope let’s other women know that they aren’t alone when it comes to having miscarriages and all the emotional feelings that go along with it.
I still can’t get over the fact that I’m an author. I don’t know If I will ever feel like an author but I love the fact that I am one and that people are reading my book. I think that right now mostly women are reading my book, but husbands can also read my book. It might be able to help them understand what their wives are feeling emotionally. Men would also be able to read about how my husband felt about our miscarriages to an extent.
So for me being an author has been a great experience. Knowing that my book has been able to help other women has been an even better feeling. I hope and pray that my book will always be able to help other women.
