If you live in Upstate New York you know what it’s like driving along country roads and seeing deer here and there. You also know what it’s like to have a deer come out of nowhere and hit your car.

For those of you who don’t live in Upstate New York be grateful you don’t have to deal with this problem! I would imagine there are other states that have deer, but I don’t know what it’s like in those states with deer and cars.

First let me tell you up until last night I had no blog for today. I told my husband so. He told me maybe God would give me something to write about in the morning. I said maybe but I doubt it and we both went to sleep. This morning my oldest daughter was on her way to work and she hit her first deer. That got me thinking about the deer here in Upstate New York and that gave me today’s blog. So I guess you could say today’s blog is at my daughter’s expense, but she said to go for it so I am.

You see here in Upstate New York you can see deer year round at random times while you’re driving on country roads. You can even see them sometimes on the highway. Usually the driver or a passenger can spot the deer from a good enough distance. This gives you the chance to slow down and to avoid the deer.

Then you have deer hunting season. Seems like this is the time of the year when the deer like to show up the most and you can usually see a dozen or so together in a field. Deer season is also when we usually see the most car accidents when deer come out of nowhere and run right in front of a person’s car. When this happens you slam on your brake but it’s too late the damage is already done. When this happens you usually have a deer all over the front of your car and a lot of damage to your car as well.

Sometimes when the deer come out of nowhere it might only get the side of your car. Or maybe only a part of the front of your car. Either way the deer causes damage and it can be a scary experience.  Obviously my daughter is not the first person to ever hit a deer, but this was her first deer. I think all drivers at one point or another in Upstate New York hit at least one deer in some point of their lives. I myself have hit two. My husband has hit some and I know one of his brothers have as well.

I suppose you can say that a part of living in Upstate New York is learning how to deal with deer all year round, but especially during deer season. You need to watch out for those things so they don’t hit your car and go SPLAT all over the front.