Our Church along with many other Church’s partake in communion. Each Church has their own way of taking communion as well. Some Church’s take it every Sunday. Some Church’s only take it once a month. Our Church likes to partake in communion twice a month. Basically every other Sunday. I also know that the Bible says in 1 Corinthians 11:26 For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do show the Lord’s death till he come. During this time of communion the congregation is quiet. This gives us all a chance to pray silently and to remember what Jesus did for us on the cross.

Then we get to the point where the matzah, which is what our Church uses to represent Jesus Body, gets passed around. After that we pass around the grape juice which is what our Church uses to represent Jesus blood. As this is all being done everybody is still quiet and remembering Jesus and his sacrifice for us.

I have one slight problem after all this. It’s not what your thinking! (okay honestly I don’t know what your thinking) When we are done with communion my first thought is now I want to go to the store so I can get more matzah. You see I like matzah bread. I like it with butter spread over it or grape jelly. It tastes so good to me. Now I know I shouldn’t be thinking this right after communion, but I can’t help myself. Then when Church is over and our family gets to our car. I tell my husband I want more matzah. He always smiles and laughs at me. Yeah, I smile back.
