Home Movies

My blog post for this week was originally going to be about voice mail. You see I thought I had an old voice message on my phone from my mom. I thought this message was from over a year ago. I didn’t play it mainly because as much as I wanted to hear her voice again, I didn’t want to cry. Tonight I finally decided to listen to it. When I went into my old voice message with my mom’s name on them I sadly found out they weren’t my mom. They were all voice messages from my dad using my mom’s cell phone number. This made me sad. I so much wanted to hear my mom’s voice.

My husband quickly came to my rescue! He went on his laptop and started looking through all of our old videos. His thought was if he could find an old video of my mom that would be even better then hearing her voice mail. Guess what? He found one! It isn’t a long video, but it’s enough. This one little video allows me to see and hear my mom again. Surprisingly I didn’t cry. I was to happy to see this little video of my mom to cry. It made me happy. I honestly think the voice mail would have made me cry, but getting to see and hear her that was more of a blessing.

We also have a couple of home videos on little mini VHS cassettes that we found. We are hoping there will be something of my mom on those videos. I really hope so. Those particular ones might make me cry. Something tells me I won’t. Something tells me I will be to happy to be able to see and hear my mom on those as well. So no voice mail to hear was ok. Getting to see and hear my mom again was a priceless blessing.