A couple of weeks ago I experienced this feeling of letting go. I didn’t like this feeling one little bit, but I knew I had no choice. This letting go experience that I’m talking about is the one where parents, mom’s more specifically need to let go of their adult children.

You see my daughter who is now twenty years old is getting ready to be on her own. She wants to be on her own. She is ready to spread her wings and see how far she can fly. I on the other hand would prefer to keep her safe in my nest. I know I can’t hold on to my children forever. I have to say though this whole letting go and letting them be on their own is hard.

You see I was used to her going away while my daughter was in school. She would go on these school conventions that would last a week or two. I was used to her going away for a summer at a time while she went to Summer camps. I was even use to my daughter going away to College. I always missed her when she went to these different places, but I also knew she was coming back home.

Now things are different. Now she wants to move. Now she wants to be on her own and do her own things. Now she is going on planes by herself. Now she is preparing herself for her future. As much as I know this is the way things are suppose to be, I’m finding it very difficult to keep my emotions in tact. It makes me wonder how my mom felt when I was ready to leave my parents when I married my husband. It couldn’t have been easy for my mom to let go of me and yet she did.

Now it’s my turn to let go and watch my daughter live her dreams. I’m thinking there are going to be a lot of teary nights in my near future. Not because I don’t trust my daughter. But because Letting go is hard to do.

