I’ve been wanting to go to a NewsBoys concert for a while now. A while being three years since that’s how long it’s been since the movie God’s Not Dead was in theaters. I actually first heard their song God’s Not Dead in the movies trailer which is what made me want to see the movie.
I heard this song and I thought “wow that’s a really cool song”. By the way the movie was seriously good too. After the movie I started listening to NewsBoys more. Now they are my favorite singing group to listen.
When I’m cleaning my house I love listening to them. In fact I end up dancing and singing to their music while I clean. Okay I’m getting side tracked here. Let’s get back to their concert. So anyway, I’ve been wanting to go to one of their concerts and Friday night I finally got the chance.
My husband, our youngest daughter and I went with a group of people from our church to a NewsBoys concert in Danbury, Connecticut. It was about a three hour drive and well worth it.
They were the last group in a large concert called Big Church Night Out. There were other singers and groups with them. To be honest I have never heard of any of them, but they were all good to hear as well. There was Sidewalk Prophets, 7eventh Time Down, Blanca, Derek Minor, Brock Gill, Adam Agee, Jameson Strain and Jeremy Willet.

When NewsBoys finally came on stage I was SO excited. I mean my husband was looking at me like I was crazy, that’s how excited I was. Then my phone came out of my pocket and I started videoing and taking pictures. Their lead singer is my favorite of all four of them. Don’t know why, but he is.
This group was worth the wait and they were worth the three hour drive from New York to Connecticut. If you’ve never heard of them I highly recommend you check them out and listen to their music. They are worth it. And if you can make it to one of their concerts I say go for it. There are more dates in this tour this year so if you can go, you should. Www.BigChurchNightOut.com
I would love to meet them one day and tell them how much I enjoy their songs. Who knows maybe by some miracle they will see this blog, read it and contact me. Then again maybe not. I can hope though.