Hear my prayer, O Lord, give ear to my supplications: in thy faithfulness answer me, and in they righteousness. Psalms 143:1

Having a specific prayer request isn’t unusual. Countless numbers of people have them every day. That one prayer that they are looking for an answer to from God. Sometimes it can take days, weeks, months or even years before that one request is answered. Then there are times when a prayer request is answered as fast as it was asked. Strange how that works. Sometimes God makes people wait for what feels like forever and other time He answers in an instant. Well you know that old saying don’t you – everything in God’s perfect timing – It’s true. Not always easy but true.


A couple of months back in November this happened to me. I was taking a shower and I started talking to God. This isn’t unusual for me. I happen to like talking with God when I’m taking a shower. It’s kind of like my alone time with him. Anyway, I was feeling down about not getting any book sales. I hadn’t had one in a while with any of my books. It was making me feel bad about myself. With all the promoting I was doing I was getting nowhere.

Give ear, O Lord, unto my prayer; and attend to the voice of my supplications. Psalms 86:6

That’s when I decided to ask God for a book sale. I told him I didn’t care which book it was. Whether it be my Miscarriages book, my Brooklyn/Upstate book or my HeyYou book. I really didn’t care. All I asked him for was one book sale.

Later that same morning I was checking my email. As I scrolled through my messages I noticed a familiar name from about two years ago. I was curious at what this lady wanted so I opened up the message. She wanted to know if I remembered her from the first time she emailed me about wanting to purchase seventy-five paperback copies of my Miscarriages book for use in her ministry. Of course I remembered her! She also let me know she was almost out of them and wanted to know if she could purchase another seventy-five copies. I was in complete surprise! I knew that was an answer to my prayer earlier that morning. In fact I looked up and as I cried I said “I know that was YOU God”. He answered my specific prayer so fast I couldn’t believe it.

“But truly God has listened; he has attended to the voice of my prayer.” Psalm 66:19

Let me explain a little about this lady. She works with a number of different hospitals. She hands out gift baskets to women who have had miscarriages and she wanted to be able to put a copy of my Miscarriage book in the gift package. She also asked if it would be possible to purchase the paperbacks at a discount. Of course I was more then happy to agree to that! I am always willing to give discounts to people like that when they want to order large amounts of my book for a good cause.

I couldn’t get over how fast God answered that specific prayer request I had. It was like He was saying to me “I hear you and I will give you more then what you asked for”. That was a huge blessing to me.