If you had told me five or ten years ago or even fifteen years ago that I would be traveling to Switzerland and going up the Swiss Alps I would have called you a liar. That might not be nice of me, but that would have been the only reaction I could think of. Me, Kathleen going to the Swiss Alps, Yeah right!

Well guess what? That dream came true. I mean I’ve been dreaming about visiting the Swiss Alps for way more then five years. More then ten years and yes even more then fifteen years. I can remember when I was little seeing pictures of the Swiss Alps. I remember watching movies where there were scenes filmed on the Swiss Alps and all I could think was “man would I love to visit there one day”. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that one dream would come true. I can tell you those Alps were worth the trip for me.

It was on the last day of our vacation that we had the chance to go to the Swiss Alps. We had a rental car so we took that and drove up part of the mountain to where you can take the gondola that takes you to the top of Mount Titlis in the Alps. Or at least as far up as it will allow you. The drive up the mountain was super fun and seeing the snow was nice. There is a quick video at the end of this blog that I took of us driving up the mountain that you can watch. It’s only 47 seconds.


Getting to the gondola was a bit of a process, but we did get to it and on it. I have to be honest since I’ve never been on one I didn’t know what to expect. I can tell you I was scared. My husband, our daughter and I were all sitting together, facing the same direction and when we finally left the building, I’m pretty sure my eyes were a slight bit popped out of my head. The gondola moved up the mountain slowly and as it did we took in the scenery. Those mountains are absolutely beautiful. They were so perfectly white with snow. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I was so scared at the same time that I think I might have had my husband hold my hand for a few minutes. There is another quick 47 second video you can watch of us going up the mountain above this paragraph. And I’m pretty sure you can hear how scared I am in my voice.

After we got to the top of Mount Titlis, the first thing we did was walk through a glacier cave. Again something I never thought I would do. That was pretty cool all by itself. That was cold! We walked all the way around it. That didn’t take long. I’m guessing no more then a few minutes. After that we went to the cafeteria type place they have and we had some hot chocolate and some soup. Not sure what kind of soup it was, but it was good.

When we were all done with our food and looking around we went down to the second level on these Alps where you can go outside and walk up a trail they have. No we didn’t venture out onto that trail. but we did step outside for a few minutes and looked around. What a sight it was too. By the time we got back into the gondola to head back down I wasn’t scared. I’m guessing because I knew what to expect this time. The ride down seemed to go faster. And it was just as beautiful to see the snowy mountains going down as it was seeing them going up. Seeing the Swiss Alps was truly a beautiful dream come true and I am so thankful to my husband for taking me. I absolutely love traveling and exploring new places with him.



Kathleen Smith is an indie author, blogger and she has her own podcast. You can read about her personal experience with miscarriages in Miscarriages My Story