OH MY GOODNESS! He’s so cute! I mean seriously those dark blue eyes. That brown hair and that face. Everything about him shouts cuteness. I’m completely in love with him!

If the title of this blog post hasn’t given it away yet I’m talking about my first grandson who also happens to be my first grandchild. When my oldest daughter told her dad and I that she and her husband were expecting their first baby I was super excited about it. Having to wait nine months for him to be born wasn’t easy, being the impatient person that I am. But my grandson was worth the wait. He has already stolen my heart along with his grandpa’s heart and the hearts of his parents and other grandparents. I think you get the point.

For years I have wondered what it would feel like to be a Nana (grandma) and now I know. The love that I have for this baby is as unconditional as it is for my own kids. Holding my precious grandson in my arms for the first time was such an amazing feeling. Oh how proud I was and still am of my daughter for having him. I can already see the love on her face for her first born like I had for my first born which was her.

I love being a Nana even though I haven’t been one for that long. I love holding my grandson and giving him soft, tender kisses on his forehead or his cheek. I can’t believe how much he has already changed in only a weeks time! I hope I will be as good of a Nana to him as my mom was to my kids. Oh how she would have loved him! It’s funny now that I’m trying to write this blog about being a first time grandparent I’m finding there aren’t enough adequate words to describe how I feel.
Kathleen Smith is an indie author and blogger and she has her own podcast called Kathleen’s Korner. You can read about Kathleen and her mom in either Brooklyn Raised Livin’ Upstate or Good-bye Brooklyn Hello Upstate . Get to know her and have some laughs maybe cry a little too.