Yes, You read the title of this blog correctly. My husband and I indeed took a vacation to England for a week. Technically our vacation started in Wales, but that is for another blog. You can call us crazy if you would like, but this vacation was planned and paid for before this “virus” showed its ugly face in the States. And since our flight wasn’t cancelled we saw no reason to postpone our vacation.

I would have to say for the most part we had a good vacation. A little weird maybe, but good. The first four days of it were spent in Wales which was fun, but like I said that is for another blog.

On Friday, March, 20th we dropped off our car rental and were picked up by a black cab from the Black Cab Heritage Tours company and Barry, our driver, took us to a couple of places. The first place he took us to was a field with some cool looking metal chairs. From a distance they look like normal chairs. When you get up close you can see the cool designs on all of them. This is a monument in a place known as Runnymede. This is where the Magna Carta was signed. And not too far from this is a rather large memorial to President John F. Kennedy. It was a gift from the people of England to him. I had no idea this existed, so to see it was cool.

After this Barry took us to Windsor Castle and got our preordered tickets for us so we could take a tour of Windsor. We were very lucky to get this tour as that day was the last day of tours for a couple of months. I would like to add that this was a surprise for me from my husband. He knows how much I LOVE touring castles. OH, and the queen was home! No, we didn’t get to meet her. We were so close and yet so far away. Anyway the tour was great. We practically had the place to ourselves and we took our time wondering through each room and looking at everything.

After the tour Barry left my husband and I so we could get some lunch at a burger place (GBK our favorite choice for burgers outside the US). When we were done he took us on a little tour of the town of Windsor. To be honest with you I had no idea that Windsor was a little town outside of London. I knew about the Castle, but had no idea there was a town and a cute little town at that. Most of the stores were closed due to the shut down, but we did get some souvenirs and there was a candy store named Hardy’s that was open. We bought some candy and had a nice chat with the girl who works there.

We did some walking around London after Barry dropped us off and I can tell you it felt a bit eerie. Normally that city is busy with people walking around, shops and restaurants open and people by water fountains singing. That was not the case that Friday night. It didn’t take long to find out that the two places we had reservations at closed due to the virus. So our last day there was Saturday and we walked all around London. There really wasn’t anything else to do.

We ended our vacation early and flew back home Sunday morning. Since we didn’t get to see and do what we wanted to do there, we figured this gives us a reason to go back to London again when everything with the virus is done and over with. Like I said before this was a strange vacation, but it was also some much needed husband and wife together time that we needed. Wait to you read about the castles in Wales in next weeks blog!
Kathleen Smith is an indie Author, blogger and she has her own podcast Kathleen’s Korner. You can read or listen about her life in Brooklyn and Upstate NY . You can also either read or listen to her personal story of how she and her husband kept their marriage together through 3 miscarriages in Miscarriages My Story