I would love to share with you all about some grand adventure I went on with my husband. I would love to tell you how great it was, how long it took, where it was and all that good stuff. Alas I have nothing like that for today’s post. Bummer I know. Instead all I have to share with you is my feeling towards this virus and staying at home and I say “enough is enough”.

If you’ve never read any of my posts before please be forewarned I can be a very blunt person. I tell it like it is. Some people like that about me some don’t, but hey you can’t win everybody. And I can honestly say I am SO over this virus! Like everyone else I am staying home for the most part. I only go to the store when I need something. I can also safely say that this is all getting to me emotionally. Well it’s getting to me physically too, you know I sometimes get paranoid that I’m going to get this virus, but who isn’t getting paranoid about that. And I’m terrified to cough in public even though I know it isn’t the virus, it’s because of my asthma. Anyway, as I said this is getting to me emotionally. I haven’t seen my daughter and her family in a month and it’s got me to the point where I will cry at the drop of a hat. Yes, I know there are other families out there in similar situations, so you know how I feel. Especially you grandma’s and nana’s.

I can tell you I’m tired of listening to the news media. I don’t trust them at all. I’ve watched news conferences with President Trump and Governor Cuomo for that matter and I don’t like or trust the news media especially when they are at a press conference with the President. I think the only person I’m okay with listen to right now is Rush Limbaugh and even that I can’t handle at times anymore. Everything is Coronavirus this or Coronavirus that. I’m on overload with all the information that is being given to us and it’s difficult to know the truth from the lies.

And then there is the wearing of masks. I see lots and lots of people wearing them. The people I don’t see wearing them though are government officials. I have yet to see one Governor with a face mask as they enter a press conference to give updates. What’s up with that?

I get the fact that there are people in this country that are worse off than I am. Like the fact that it’s tornado season in the some parts of the USA, which means that on top of this virus there are people who can and will lose their homes because of these natural disasters. That becomes one bad thing on top of another. I think I’m not the only one who is tired of all this and think enough is enough. I say let the malls, small businesses and restaurants open back up. Let people go back to work. Let us American’s get out of our homes, let us see our loved ones, family and friends. Let’s see how it goes. Let us try to get back to a little normality.
Kathleen Smith is an indie Author, blogger and she has her own podcast Kathleen’s Korner. You can read or listen about her life in Brooklyn and Upstate NY . You can also either read or listen to her personal story of how she and her husband kept their marriage together through 3 miscarriages in Miscarriages My Story