About two weeks ago give or take a couple of days my husband, daughter, and I went on vacation to Yellowstone National Park. I would like to add that this was also for my birthday. We’ve never been to Yellowstone and in all honesty, we went with very little expectations. We didn’t know what to expect from this national park nor did we think there would be that much to do. Boy, were we wrong! We had so much fun at Yellowstone! We spent a couple of days there and we decided at the beginning of our trip to buy the national park annual pass. That cost us eighty dollars and it was worth every penny. That pass paid for itself super fast.

We did a lot of driving through Yellowstone. We also made a bunch of stops. Most of them were to use the toilets which by the way were extremely clean for an “outhouse”. I mean those toilets put Walmart to shame they were that clean. Anyway, driving around and through Yellowstone was truly amazing! We were constantly on the lookout for wild animals. We did get to see some deer, but the animal we saw the most of was bison. We saw so many of them I was starting to get a bit tired of seeing the bison. We got some cool pictures and some videos too.

We did manage to see some bears, my absolute favorite animal of all time. We saw a mama bear with her two cubs in the distance in some woods. One day my daughter spotted a bear by itself walking behind some trees and it eventually crossed the road in front of us. That bear made my day! Yep, got some pictures of that and videos too.

We went to see Old Faithful, which I honestly had no idea what it was. I’ve always known about it but had no idea it was a rather famous geyser with a lot of other smaller geysers near it. I also had no idea that Old Faithful and all these other very hot geysers are all apart of one big volcano. They were all amazing to look at and walk around from a distance, but every time I was reminded that they are apart of a volcano all I could think to myself was “why are we on a volcano?” Says the girl who drove and walked up Vesuvius in Italy.

The mountains in Yellowstone are another incredible sight to see! The way the rocks form and the rivers flow through them are majestic. I’ve always thought the mountains in Upstate New York were beautiful to look at and they are, but the mountains in Yellowstone, they are so tall! They can almost take your breath away and with the high altitude and my asthma they just about did take my breath away. These mountains are something everyone needs to see for themselves.

One last thing before I finish this blog. The sunset in Wyoming is absolutely beautiful. I’ve never seen a sunset quite like it. As we drove through Yellowstone one night we stopped to use the toilet at one of the rest areas and ended up staying for a while so we could take in the scenery. We watched as the sun slowly set behind the mountains. It truly was beautiful. Also, we listened to the Gypsy Tour Guide while we drove through and around Yellowstone so we knew when and where to stop and look at certain attractions. We found that guide to be helpful.
Kathleen Smith is an indie Author, blogger and she has her own podcast Kathleen’s Korner. You can read or listen about her life in Brooklyn and Upstate NY . You can also either read or listen to her personal story of how she and her husband kept their marriage together through 3 miscarriages in Miscarriages My Story