Wow, I haven’t written a blog post in over a month! I can’t believe it! Well, actually I can believe it, but it saddens me to know this. I love writing blogs about different places I’ve been and new adventures I’ve gone on with my family. I love blogging about different foods I’ve tried and beautiful sceneries I’ve had the pleasure to see. I miss going to Ireland, England, Italy, and other places in Europe and blogging about the new places in those countries that I got to explore. I’m even at the point where I wish I could visit places in the U.S. that I haven’t been to so I can share my experience in those places as well.

Sadly I’m stuck at home. There is no place I can visit even in the states without feeling like I’m committing a crime or go to a different state so long as when I get back home I stay in my house for two weeks. I was really hoping that with this new administration the travel ban would have been lifted, but instead, South Africa of all places has been added to the list of places I can’t go and visit. I find this all very frustrating. I get the fact that if a person is sick they should stay home whether it be the coronavirus or the flu or something else. At the same time, I think the travel ban shouldn’t be anymore. I think people should be allowed to travel to different countries or even from state to state for that matter so long as they are healthy, I’m mean this is just plain common sense. If you are sick stay home, but if you are healthy you should be able to travel and not have to worry about quarantining for two weeks. Just as a side note this is ONLY my opinion.

To be fair though this isn’t just the American government. I think all the governments all over this world need to lift the travel ban. I honestly don’t know about anyone else. Well, that’s not true I do know people who agree with me and believe people who aren’t sick should be allowed to travel whether it be with in the United State to see this country or to travel overseas and get to explore what Europe has to offer. For me personally, I am getting desperate enough that I would like to explore America and see all the different sights I have yet to see like Mount Rushmore, The Grand Canyon, Yosemite National Park, and so many other places. And for a side note I’m tired of wearing a facemask everywhere I go when they aren’t doing anything. It’s been almost a year now since American’s have been told they have to wear a facemask wherever they go and people are still getting the coronavirus, so these masks aren’t doing anything.

Again for clarity please know that the above is SIMPLY MY OPINION and the only thing I have to blog about until I am able to travel and experience new places again.
Kathleen Smith is an indie author, blogger and she has her own podcast Kathleen’s Korner. You can read or listen about her life in Brooklyn and Upstate NY. You can also either read or listen to her personal story of how she and her husband kept their marriage together through 3 miscarriages in Miscarriages My Story