I love going for long drives with my husband up north towards the Adirondacks. I love looking at the mountains as we drive. I love when we stop at different places just to take in the beautiful mountain scenery with the different lakes in front of the mountains. I love it when he takes me to different areas of the Adirondacks for us to explore. Each time he takes me to one of these places, as I take in the beauty, I take a good look at it all and all I can think to myself is “who would have thought I would love the mountains and lakes this much, Not Me! When I was a little girl growing up in Brooklyn the mountains of Upstate New York were the farthest things from my mind. I mean I loved going to the Catskills on family vacations, but somehow they don’t seem to compare to the Adirondacks. Again who would have thought, not me! By the way, you can read about my growing up years in my book Brooklyn Raised Livin’ Upstate on kindle or paperback or you can listen to it on audio.

Anyway, before I get seriously side-tracked let’s get back to the beauty of the mountains and the lakes. So last Saturday my husband and I took one of our long drives up to the Adirondacks. We had tickets to the Wild Walk at The Wild Center in Tupper Lake, NY. It is a place where you can walk on a path “above the trees!” It was pretty cool. The biggest attraction they had was a human-sized bird nest that you can walk into and see the mountains. When my husband and I were done walking up and down the different rope bridges, we walked along the other trails this place had. One of the stops on the trails is where I had the chance to take in the beauty of the Adirondack mountains and the water there. I took in the beauty and once again said to my husband “who would have thought, NOT ME!

In all seriousness, when I was little I really thought Brooklyn was the absolute best place to live. All the stores were somewhat close by and whatever stores weren’t my mom and I would take a bus or train to or if it was my dad’s days off from work we would drive. It never occurred to me there was more to life and a place to live than Brooklyn. Then I met my husband and he opened up a brand new door to the beautiful mountains of Upstate NY. I have a lot to thank him for. Showing me the beauty of the mountains and the gorgeous fall colors of Upstate New York and so much more. So yeah when I say “who would have thought, not me!” I really mean it. WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT, NOT ME!
Kathleen Smith is an indie author, blogger and she has her own podcast Kathleen’s Korner. You can read or listen about her life in Brooklyn and Upstate NY. You can also either read or listen to her personal story of how she and her husband kept their marriage together through 3 miscarriages in Miscarriages My Story