I imagine most people in this world have never heard of San Fele a small town in the mountains of Italy. Up until 6-8 years ago I never heard of that town either. My family research led me to this small town. Why? Because I found out that is where my great-grandma Graziano was born and raised. I had always thought my dad’s dad’s family came from Naples. I wasn’t too far off with this info. It turns out my family is from San Fele and another small town called Castelgrande both of which are maybe 2 hours from Naples, Italy up in the mountains.

I got to visit San Fele for the first time a couple of years ago with my family. Getting to see where my great-grandmother was from was beyond cool! I couldn’t believe my eyes when we finally got to San Fele. I was in awe of this small town in the mountains of Italy near Naples. I should back up for a minute and let you know that we rented a car in February to drive up the mountain to get to San Fele. We were told we needed chains for the tires because it was winter if it snowed we would need them. We never had need of such a thing being from Upstate NY, but we took them. Well to our surprise about an hour into our drive it started to flurry and the flurry turned into a snowstorm. Let’s just say getting to San Fele after that was an adventure and trying to walk up and down the streets and steps on ice wasn’t easy at all.

This time my husband and I went in the beginning of August when it was about 95 degrees out. When we finally got to San Fele we parked in some parking lot near the path to the local scenic waterfalls. We walked up and down as many streets and stairs as we could. I wanted so badly to see if we could go into a Church that we saw last time. We found the back of the Church and quickly realized the church was being worked on and we did not have the time to find the front of the church to see if we could go in it. I was hoping to find out if that was the same church my great-grandma was baptized in as a baby.

I feel like there is more to this small town in the mountains of Italy. I feel like there is history for me to learn about besides my family history. I know there is a waterfall that we have yet to see. There are more streets and stairs for us to climb. I wonder if there might be a museum or something. I do know that some of my family (Graziano and Cristiano) birth certificates are there because that is where I was given my great-grandmothers birth certificate. But I feel like there is so much more to San Fele than meets the eye. I want to explore this small town more. If only that was easier said than done. I do know that when my husband and I were walking back to our car to leave San Fele I saw a lady who looked so much like my great aunt that all I could do was stare. I almost went up to her and asked her if she was a Graziano. Right now I kinda wish I had at least then I would have a yes or no answer.

I hope I can go back to San Fele again someday. Who knows maybe the third time is the charm and I will be able to explore this small town some more. Maybe I will be able to find a museum or some piece of history. Maybe I can find out if I still have family in that small town in the mountains of Italy. Maybe I can find the church my great-grandma was baptized in as a baby. Maybe, maybe not. There is only one way to find out and I hope and pray I get that third chance. In the meantime, IF you are reading this and you are a Graziano or Cristiano from San Fele OR Castelgrande would you please comment on this blog post. I would greatly appreciate it.

Kathleen Smith is an indie author, blogger and she has her own podcast Kathleen’s Korner. You can read or listen about her life in Brooklyn and Upstate NY. You can also either read or listen to her personal story of how she and her husband kept their marriage together through 3 miscarriages in Miscarriages My Story