I Love Winter!

So this morning I was making myself a cup of coffee when I remembered  today is Monday. Then I realized I needed to write a blog post today and I had nothing to write. I got the slightest bit panicky when I realized I had nothing to write, then I started to think about how cold it is today and about the snow out side. Then I had it I can blog about Winter!

Winter is my absolute favorite season. I know most people would think I’m crazy for loving the Winter and the cold weather that comes with it, but I really do love it. It’s the time of the year when I get to wear my sweater tops and boots that I love. I get to put on my Winter hat, scarf, gloves and Winter jacket whenever I have to go out some where.

I Love watching the snow falling from the sky and making a beautiful white covering on everything.I love seeing the beauty of God’s creation just kinda standing still and letting the snow fall on it. I love that very first snow fall of the season that gets my family so excited that we’re all smiling from ear to ear. I love getting to play in the snow with my family on the rare occasions that we get to do that. I love drinking hot chocolate with my family.  I love when we go some where and my husband sees that I’m cold even when I’m all bundled up, so he’ll hold me and keep me warm that way.

Best of all I love it when my husband and I get to cuddle up on the couch together and watch a movie with a warm blanket covering us.