The other day I was reading an article written by a man about makeup. In it he shared his thoughts and basically wanted to let his daughter know that she doesn’t need makeup to look beautiful. So here are my thoughts on makeup.

When it comes to makeup I don’t have any problems with teenaged girls or women wearing it. Even I like to wear makeup. The thing with makeup is a lot of the times teenaged girls and women think they need to put globs and globs of it on. They for some reason think it looks pretty and attractive. In my opinion it doesn’t . To me it makes them look more like a clown no offense intended.

When it comes to wearing makeup I really think less is better. I think less makeup is so much more attractive. It looks more natural. Especially when girls and women wear the colors that match their skin color and their eyes. About a year or two ago I tried to wear more makeup. I put the foundation on my face and then everything that comes after that. It made me feel fake not pretty. At the end of the day when I was finally able to get it all washed off, I felt like me again. I liked the woman I saw in the mirror with out all that makeup compared to what I saw in the mirror when I had all that stuff on my face.

I’m gonna guess that most boys and men prefer to see less makeup on girls and women as well. I know that with my husband, He will tell me how pretty he thinks I look when I’m wearing makeup, but a lot of the times most of his compliments are giving to me when I’m not wearing makeup or when I’m hardly wearing any at all.

So yes, I do believe less is better when it comes to makeup. It looks more natural. It looks a lot prettier and it allows you to be who you are.