Easter is less the a week away now. This year like most years past my family will celebrate our Saviors resurrection from the dead. A true reason for celebration. That fact that Jesus rose again on the third day just as he said he would.

This year like years in the past we will be celebrating Easter with family and friends at our house. We will definitely have a full house that day and I’m looking forward to the time of fellowship with all who will be here. This will be our first Easter in our new house and that is exciting. There is also a sadness for me this year. It will also be my first Easter without my mom and my dad’s first Easter without his wife.

This Easter I have mixed feelings. While I am indeed excited about celebrating Easter with family and friends. I am also sad because I know this will be my first Easter without my mom. I am very thankful that my dad will be here for that day, but I also know when I see him by himself I’m gonna want to cry. I do think this is going to be one very emotional Easter.

This morning I started to wonder if maybe they celebrate Jesus Resurrection in Heaven. I think it would be pretty cool if they did do that. Then my mom could celebrate with her Savior Jesus together. As much as I miss my mom and want to celebrate Easter with her I think it would be cool if she could celebrate that day with Jesus too.