So I’m guessing whoever is reading this blog with the title “Real Men Cry” are thinking, “She’s a girl what does she know about men and crying”? Well since I’m the type of person who has a tendency to observe people I know a thing or two about men. It also helps that I’ve been married to the same man for almost 20 years now.

I’ve seen the way men react to things. Anything really from sad occasions to happy occasions. From the birth of a child to the death of a loved one. It could be a movie they have watched. It could be a circumstance they may be in. In could be The Lord dealing with their hearts. In all of this what I have seen is any man who is willing to cry is a real man. He is a strong man. Let me tell you in my opinion it takes a strong man to cry and say “yeah I’m weak and I need help”. It takes a real man to admit he cries when he’s at his weakest and he needs help. Whether that help is from God or his wife or his friend.

It doesn’t matter what that man looks like. Tall,short, skinny, fat. Whether he as a six pack or not if he is a real man he won’t be scared to cry. This man will admit to his weakness and he will cry. In my opinion this world could use more men like this. More men who are willing to admit when they need help and are willing to cry. Especially when they are willing to cry out to God and ask Him for the help they need.