I like things JUST SO!

With my personality being what it is I have this habit where I like everything to be just so. I like everything to be organized it its own place. If one little thing is out of place I will know! I think I have always been like this, but I didn’t really notice it till my husband pointed it out to me. One day I needed a stamp so we went to the Post Office. I gave my husband the card that needed to be mailed. He took it into the post office, bought a book of stamps and put a stamp on the envelope. When he came back to the car, he gave me the book of stamps. I took one look at them and saw the he took a random stamp. It drove me crazy that he didn’t take the first one. I asked him why he did this. His reply was because he knew it would drive me crazy.

That isn’t the first time my husband has done something like that to me and I know it won’t be the last. Why does he do it, because he loves to see my reaction. He KNOWS I like things just so. He knows I do things in a certain order. Yes, this does drive him crazy sometimes as well, but it is who I am. I will even go so far as to pick out my clothes the night before we have to go somewhere. Generally I only do this when I know we need to be up and out of the house by a certain time.

There are so many other examples of me and my personality where everything needs to be just so. It doesn’t really seem to matter what I’m doing or where I am. When I am doing something it has to be done in just the right way. If someone messes it up on me it drives me crazy. this part of my personality might drive my husband bonkers, but hey there are things he does that drives me bonkers too. I figure its a win win situation.