Exactly one year ago this week on October 9th I wrote and posted my first blog. For the most part I have really enjoyed writing my blog posts. Basically with each of my posts I just share what’s on my mind and heart for that week. I also like to share a little about me sometimes. Like on the posts where I’ve explained why I like bears or why I like the smell of tires. I’ve even shared a bit about where I grew up.

Now, in case my readers haven’t noticed I have yet to do any type of give aways or anything like that. Why not? Simple, because I have no clue how to do anything like that. I have thought about it, but have no clue where to start. I don’t even know if I have enough readers to do anything like that with. Lots of times I think about blogs by people like The Time-Warp Wife or Proverbs 31 ministries or even The Unveiled wife . I try to figure out how their blogs have become such successes. How they have managed to get so many readers, followers and such. If I could figure out how to get my blog to be just as successful I’d be a happy blogger.

When it comes to reading other peoples blogs like the ones I’ve mentioned above, or the ones people share on FaceBook. After I read the blog and if I like it I will share it on my FaceBook feed as well. I have to say it is nice when I see other people sharing my blog posts on FaceBook as well.

Yes, I know not every blog can look like theirs. And yes, I know things take time, but I often feel like my blogging is no where near as good as my other social media skills. And according to my husband I am very good with my social media skills. I would very much one day like for my blog to do better, look better, get more readers, have more followers and such. So I suppose until the day that I get all this figured out I need to keep on going and do my best. After all that’s all I can do anyway, Right.
