I love exercising. I don’t like to exercise alone though. Over the years I have tried to exercise either with my husband or by myself. I love my husband dearly, but every time we would exercise together I would laugh more then anything else. When I would exercise on my own I would usually try to Zumba or find some kind of an exercise DVD to work out with. The DVD’s never kept my attention for very long. The Zumba I really enjoyed,but usually did alone at night while my family watched TV. I ended up giving up on that after awhile because I missed spending time with my family.

In the beginning of September I started exercising with one of my friends and some other ladies. When I first heard about this group, I thought it was worth giving a shot. I’m really glad I did. We get together two days a week for one hour. We have a great time together. We do our warm ups. Then we do our stretches, cardio, use our weights and then we do some Zumba. When that is all done we do our cooling down exercises. At least that’s what I call them.

This has been an awesome way to work out and make new friends. Even though we haven’t been doing this for a long time, I am slowly starting to see a difference in my body. That has me completely thrilled! I am very thankful for these ladies and the time we spend exercising together.
