It doesn’t matter how old my kids are I still loving hearing them call me “Mommy”. From my youngest to my oldest, I never get tired of hearing that name. Yeah, sometimes, well maybe most of the time they call me mom. But those times when they call me “Mommy” it always melts my heart.

It never really matters to me why they call me Mommy, I just love hearing it. Yeah, sometimes my son will call me Mommy when he wants me to make him something like a grilled cheese sandwich or if he wants something else from me. Sometimes my daughters will do the same thing to me if they want something from me. I have to be honest I really don’t mind when my kids do that (hahaha).

Then there are the times When I will surprise my kids with something that they have been wanting for awhile. Like when I finally decided to buy can of cheese spray, yes I said cheese spray, for my youngest and she got all excited and gave me this huge hug and says “thank you Mommy”. Or when I give my oldest something that I know she needed or wanted and she says “thank you Mommy”. I can even surprise my son sometimes with something he really likes and he says “thank you Mommy” to me. That one word will never ever get old to me. “Mommy” just has a very special sound to it.

I love you mommy