I’m not sure how to start today’s blog in all honesty. I’ve been wanting to write a blog about voting and the candidates of both the Republican Party and the Democratic party. I know depending on what I write people are either going to be with me or against me. They are either going to agree with me or disagree with me. At this point I don’t think I care anymore which way people’s feelings go.

So here we have for the most part on The Republican side Donald Trump. Yes, I know there are still Cruz and that other guy, but let’s face it we have Trump. Then on the Democratic side  we have Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.

I have to say that I have been enjoying watching the GOP debates. Mostly because I enjoy listening to Trump. I haven’t bothered with the Democratic debates because I don’t like or trust Clinton or Sanders.

I have also been listening to Rush Limbaugh, Hannity and other radio stations about the candidate. How people are reacting to Trump and Clinton especially. I do believe I love listening to Rush Limbaugh the most. He has a way with words and I agree with him. There was this one rushcommercial my husband and I were listening to. It was some ladies “quoting” Trump and trying to make him sound like a terrible man that hates women. These ladies completey took what Trump was saying out of contexts. I know because I heard his speeches and remember what he was saying. That commercial made me mad.

Last but not least I have also been reading all the different articles and statuses from my family and friends on my Facebook feed. I must say between my family, friends and other Christians out there I am surprised at their reactions towards these Presidential Candidates and here is why.

Near as I can tell most Evangelical Christians like Trump and want to vote for him. There are some though that don’t like trump and I can’t figure out why. They come up with so many different excuse like he’s been married three times, he’s a business man, they think he’s a liar. Guess what nobody is perfect. I wish these same Christians would remember that Kennedy had a bunch of affairs while he was married to his wife. And as for lying, who hasn’t. We are all human and have lied to people at one point or another in their lives. I do wish all Christians would get together to support Trump instead of some saying Yes to voting for him and some saying no way. I know none of these Christians like or want Hillary Clinton for President.

Personally I like Trump. I like the fact that he is a business man. I think that’s what this Country needs in our next President. I think Trump would make a great President just like Ronald Reagan. Remember Reagan was a Hollywood actor before he became President and he did a great job. So why not have a business man for our next President. It would be refreshing to have someone in office that has never been in politics before. Trump knows what needs to be done and he WILL get the job done. I do believe he will bring jobs back to our country and build factories here.

I would love to see every person in this Country vote for Trump as our next President. I know that won’t happen so how about almost every person. This Country needs a change. This Country needs trump. At least in my opinion we do.

