It’s Spring break. A week to enjoy time off from school. Both kids and adults look forward to this week. It’s a time for sleeping late and staying up late. For a lot of people it’s a time to get away. For me I thought it was going to be a boring week at home. I had no plans other then cleaning the house.

Then I found out my husband planned a surprise weekend getaway for the two of us and our youngest. I kept trying to guess where we were going, but he wasn’t going to let me know if I guessed right. So Thursday we packed our bags, loaded my Fiat 500 and we took off. Man, that car is fun to drive! My husband and I took turns with driving.

Our first stop was Washington DC. It was was dark out by the time we got there. This made it difficult to see the cherry blossoms, but we did see them and what we did see was pretty. We saw some of the memorials with the Lincoln Memorial always being my favorite.

Friday we spent the day in Colonial Williamsburg VA. We enjoyed walking up and down the streets. Going into some of the shops and taking the tour of the Governors Mansion. I would have to say Williamsburg is a lot nicer to visit in April then it is in July or August. It’s nowhere near as hot and not nearly as crowded.

Saturday we started our journey back home. The traffic was horrible which made us lose time which prevented us from going to a market place in Pennsylvania. But we did get to visit Arlington National Cemetery and we did see the tomb of the unknown soldiers. That was something my husband and I have been wanting to do for a long time. We also had the honor and privilege to watch the changing of the guard. That was rather impressive.

We ended our weekend getaway with some time walking around Manhattan, getting some gelato at Eataly and burgers at a corner burger place in Times Square. We also went to the auto show at the Jacob Javits Center.

Kathleen Smith is an author and blogger — she posts her weekly thoughts at, her books, including Miscarriages: My Story, are available for order wherever print or e-books are sold.