I live in a land where the weather never seems to be able to make up it’s mind. A land where instead of having Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall, it feels more like Winter and Summer. Where is this land might you ask. It’s called Upstate New York!



You would think that in Upstate New York it would feel like Winter in the Winter time and Spring in the Spring time….. You would think wouldn’t you. I mean that seems pretty obvious to me, and I would imagine to other as well. However, in this great land of Upstate New York that doesn’t seem to be the case. Yes Winters here can be extremely cold. So cold that even at times I can’t stand it and I LOVE cold weather. But -2 degrees is even to cold for me. On the other hand our Summers are to hot. At least for me they are and very, very humid.



Funny thing about the weather here though when it comes to Spring. You know in April when it’s suppose to start to get warm, yeah that month. Yeah, the weather in Upstate New York has it’s own wacky idea of what the temperature should be. The month of April where everyone is waiting to start wearing their short sleeves again. That’s the month that loves to laugh at people. Why? Because instead of getting warm out it stays COLD. You can almost hear the snow flakes laughing at people as it falls from the sky saying “HA you thought it was suppose to get warm? I’m sticking around for a bit longer!” And it can easily snow in these parts until the very last day of April. And people are worried about global warming! Yeah right, they should try living in Upstate New York. I think they would quickly changed their minds.



It seems like the warm weather here doesn’t decided to show it’s face until May. The only problem with that is, at least for me, it feels like it goes straight to Summer instead of Spring and then slowly working it’s way towards Summer weather. If you live in Upstate New York you know what I mean about it’s wacky weather. If you don’t, trust me — or come see for yourself.



Kathleen Smith is an author and blogger in upstate New York. She blogs at KathleenSmith.org and her books are available on Kindle Unlimited.