In all honesty I had no idea what to write about on today’s blog. I looked at my next thing to write about in the “Writing Prompts for Mom’s” book I have, but I didn’t think anyone was going to care about what my favorite pet was growing up. I’m mean that sounds like a real snoozer to me. And if it sounds like a snoozer to me, the person who is trying to write this blog, then how do I expect my readers to care. If you want to know what my favorite pet was growing up feel free to ask other wise let’s talk about something else. Something that has more meaning to me.

With all that being said I decided to write about wedding pictures. More specifically my daughters wedding pictures. Again, you may not care about my daughters pictures, but that’s what I have for you this week. Okay so if you read my blog – A Beautiful Wedding Day – Then you know my daughter got married the weekend of Memorial Day, back in May. And you will also know it was a great day and you got to see a few pictures from that very special day.

What you don’t know is it took no time before we were able to see some samples from the photographer. Those samples were beyond beautiful. I was doing a lot of oohing and awing over them. My husband and I knew we were going to want some copies once they were all ready and available. The night we finally had the chance to see all the pictures we were running late for something. So we figured we would take a look the next day. Well guess what happened? The next day turned into a couple of days. When we finally took a look at all of them we knew we wanted to get some copies made. We needed to sit down and figure out which ones, how many and what size. So as usually we put it off.

Well after that days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. Here we are four months later — almost five and my husband and I finally sat down, looked at all the pictures and decided on what we wanted and we actually ordered them. Yes, we are super good at procrastinating, but hey we did get the pictures ordered . I would say it was because of how busy we have been. Plus the fact that we were away for the entire month of August. But when it comes right down to it, we are just lazy and kept forgetting. On the bright side we did get them ordered. And I am looking forward to hanging them on our walls as soon as we can. HA, Who thinks that’s going to take us another four – six months?


Kathleen Smith is an indie author and blogger. She writes about miscarriages, what it was like losing her mom to cancer, what it was like growing up in Brooklyn and what’s it’s like living in Upstate New York. For more info you can read either Miscarriages My Story  or  Good-bye Brooklyn Hello Upstate