I’ve been thinking about what to write for this weeks blog all week long. I like writing about things that I’ve done or places I’ve been. Only problem with that is I have to wait for the weekends to come so I can do something writable. If I’m not writing about that stuff then I’m writing about what’s on my mind or how I’m feeling. Well there isn’t anything on my mind this week and I’m feeling pretty good. I suppose that’s a good thing. At least for me as a person. For me the blogger not so much.

So while I was driving around some local and not so local areas with my husband Saturday, I told him I needed a blog idea. We both knew whatever he came up with wouldn’t work. Those ideas of his never seem to go well with my readers. They tend to me a bit on the boring side or no one cares. That’s when I looked out my car window and noticed the leaves have finally changed colors.

I was like “hey look at that the leaves have finally changed from green to yellow and red and even bright red.” Normally in Upstate NY the leaves change color in the beginning of October. And usually by the end of October they have finished changing color, have all fallen to the ground and are ready to be mowed or put in trash bags. This year I imagine because of the strange warm weather we have been having the leaves waited until now, the beginning of November to change color. I suppose there is also the possibility that they have been slowly changing color and I’ve been to busy to notice.

Either way it was cool to see the different colors today. And it was nice to see the ground covered with the leaves. It’s a wonderful time of the year watching God’s creation doing one of the many things it’s meant to do. Going from one season to the next. Going from green leaves on trees to cool looking yellow and red leaves, falling off the tree branch’s and quickly falling to the ground, waiting for kids to fall in them and throw the leaves around. It truly is a wonder thing to see!

Kathleen Smith is an indie author and blogger. You can read about how she got through three miscarriages and kept her marriage and faith in God strong in Miscarriages My Story available on kindle, paperback and nook.