What A Day! So late this morning as my husband and I were driving to the Albany Tulip Festival I was telling him how I had no ideas for Monday’s blog. It was stressing me. I usually like having my blogs written no later then Friday nights if at all possible. It isn’t always easy. This weekend it wasn’t easy. He suggested I write about the new baby birds that hatched the other day and a couple of other things, but I didn’t think anyone would be interested in any of that.

When we finally got to the tulip festival we started walking around it. I had no idea there were going to be as many vendors there as there were. We walked over to the tulips and looked at the pretty colors. Eventually like so many other people we started taking pictures. Some people used their phones like we did. Others had some really nice looking camera’s . As I was taking my pictures I realized I could write my blog about the tulip festival. So her I am, sitting on my couch, telling you a wee bit about them.

These flowers were definitely pretty to look at and the fact that today was a beautiful day without any rain was helpful. There were pink, red, black and even white tulips. And then there were some tulips that were pink and white. There weren’t a whole lot of tulips to look at, but what was there was pretty.

Of course while we were there my husband and I started talking about what I should name this blog. He had suggested I name it “The Birds and Bees”. I told him that made absolutely no sense, as I was going to write about tulips. There is also the fact that every time I use one of his suggestions for a blog, nobody likes and or wants to read it. Sorry hon! I love the man, but it is true.

Anyway over all the tulip festival was nice. We didn’t spend to much time there, but it was nice. After that we had lunch and Five Guys and did some other stuff.

Kathleen Smith is an author, blogger and she has her own podcast called Kathleen’s Korner. You can read more about Kathleen and her family in Brooklyn Raised Livin’ Upstate which is available on Amazon and Barnes and Nobles. Her book is available on Kindle and Paperback.