Last Monday was Memorial Day and like so many other American’s I was spending the day with family and friends. We gathered together at our house. We had a BBQ and we even went in the pool. Yep, there was also a local parade. We didn’t go to it this year. Not really sure why, but we didn’t.

Like so many other American’s we remembered our military veteran’s that have given their lives for our Country. I remembered my uncle who has now passed, but served his Country many years ago. And this year I got the chance to spend the day with my nephew who is in the military and who is also currently home. It was nice to see him and talk with him.

Memorial Day was a beautiful day to remember our soldiers who have given their lives for our Country and what they have done for our Country. As the day went by I started thinking more about our veteran’s. I started thinking to myself that yeah it’s nice that we set a side one day a year to thank them and honor them. But why do we do this on only one day out of the year? Why don’t we, why don’t I remember them every day of the year? After all they are serving our Country. They do give up a lot for people like me who they don’t know. Their families give up a lot for other families they don’t know. And some of our soldiers give the ultimate sacrifice — their lives.

So I’m think that instead of remembering our military once a year, why not remember them ever day? Why not think about them every day? Why not pray for them every day? And whenever we see one of our soldiers or veterans whether it be at a restaurant, walking in the mall or where ever, why don’t we stop for one minute and say “Thank You” to them? They don’t expect it, but I bet they would appreciate it.

Kathleen Smith is an indie Author, blogger and she has her own podcast Kathleen’s Korner. You can read about her life in Brooklyn and Upstate NY . You can also either read or listen to her personal story of how she and her husband kept their marriage together through 3 miscarriages in Miscarriages My Story