June is the month of graduations and graduation parties. Doesn’t matter if it’s from High School or College, June is the month for them all.  Like so many families and friends this month I had the joy of attending one of these graduation ceremonies and parties. 

Today was that day for me. My family and I went to a graduation ceremony which quite possibly was one of the shortest ceremonies I’ve ever been to. That’s okay by me. Afterwards we were able to share in the celebration at two parties. It was nice to spend some time with family and friends. Eating tasty food and having some yummy cake. Best of all though I got to hold my grandson and make him smile. 

Funny thing about graduations, I didn’t always like going to them. Years ago when I would attend them all I wanted to do was cry. Not tears of joy for the graduates either. They were tears of sadness and embarrassment because at the time I wasn’t a High School graduate myself. I had left High School feeling like a failure because I couldn’t understand the school work and had nobody to help me. So I left and my part time cashier job became my full time job.

It wasn’t until sometime after I got married that I decided to go back to school and get my diploma. With the support of my husband and many friends and family I found an online school where I could do the school work I needed to graduate. It took about a year, but I was determined to graduate and get my diploma before my youngest child started Kindergarten. I’m happy to say that I reach my goal one month before she started school. When I received my diploma I was SO happy and felt so good about myself. My family even gave me a party!

I’ve come a long way since that day and I enjoy going to graduation ceremonies and parties now. To any adults out there who haven’t graduated from High School yet, take it from me, YOU can do it too!

Kathleen Smith is an indie Author, blogger and she has her own podcast Kathleen’s Korner. You can read about her life in Brooklyn and Upstate NY . You can also either read or listen to her personal story of how she and her husband kept their marriage together through 3 miscarriages in Miscarriages My Story