It’s Wednesday morning July 3rd and I’m sitting on my couch trying to figure out what to write about for Monday’s blog. Why am I doing this on a Wednesday? Because tomorrow is the 4th of July and I don’t plan to be on my laptop. I will be enjoying the 4th with my family and friends instead. And Friday I will most likely forget to write this blog. So today it is.

Now the question is what do I write about. I could tell you about my curly hair and how I never know which day it’s going to be super curly and which day it won’t, but I won’t bore you with that. I could tell you what it’s like being a Nana, but I already wrote a blog about that. I could tell you about my books and my podcast, but I’ve already done that as well. So that leaves me with…Well that’s a good question.

I thought I would share about how stressed I get. I imagine this is something lots of people can relate to. I can get super stressed about anything and everything. I stress about trips that I know I’m going to take. I’m good once I get to my destination, but before that I get stressed about all the what if’s that may or may not happen. I stress over my books and how to best promote them. I stress over getting sales or not getting sales. I stress about trying to figure out how to get more listeners for my podcast.

I stress over my health. Yeah that’s really helpful, isn’t it? NOT! I stress about getting ovarian cancer. That might sound strange stressing over a particular cancer, but that is what my mom died of, so it’s always in the back of my mind. Yes, I do go for my annual exam every year and I know early detection can help. That stress over it is still there. I stress about making sure I’m a good wife and mother. I can even stress over what people might think of me!

Sometimes I think that as a Christian I shouldn’t get stressed, but I am human like everyone else. Maybe the difference is when I get stressed I have somewhere or someone to turn to. I know when I’m stressing I do my best to read my Bible and pray every day. Believe it or not when I stay focused on God and His Word the stress level is either much lower or not there at all. It’s truly amazing what the Bible can do for the soul as well as the body. You can even find Bible verses on Pinterest to help relieve stress. Did you know that? So I’m not a perfect person not by a long shot. I have stress and fears that I need to overcome. Basically I am a work in progress and I’m thankful that God is beyond patient with me and the lack of trust I have sometimes.

Kathleen Smith is an indie Author, blogger and she has her own podcast Kathleen’s Korner. You can read or listen about her life in Brooklyn and Upstate NY . You can also either read or listen to her personal story of how she and her husband kept their marriage together through 3 miscarriages in Miscarriages My Story