The other day I told my husband I feel like I am living in a weird movie where one day the entire world woke up and started wearing face masks everywhere they went. Didn’t matter if it was to the store for some groceries or maybe to a home store to buy supplies so they can fix their house or getting gas for their cars. And some people were wearing their masks alone in their car driving!

And then I realized OH, wait that’s not a weird movie. That’s really happening! What! My husband thought I was funny when I told him all this, but he understood what I meant. I gotta be honest I find it rather disturbing seeing so many people wearing masks everywhere I go. Yes, I get it people want to be safe and they don’t want to get the virus. However, when I see one person driving in their car, alone and they are wearing a mask, I can’t help but wonder if they realize they don’t need to keep themselves safe from their own germs.

I too have a face mask. I have tried to wear it a couple of times, but I have to say that I find I have trouble breathing with it on. It bothers my asthma. So when I go places I don’t wear it. Yes, I know the horror of me not wearing my mask (gasp). And yes sometimes I get looks from people. I do wish instead of assuming I’m not wearing my mask out of protest or something that they would ask nicely so I could tell them about my medical condition.

I look forward to the day when things will calm down and people will stop wearing their face masks. I don’t know how close or far into the future that is, but I sure do hope it will be soon. Sarcastically I told my husband this was going to last for another year. He thinks people will stop wearing their masks in six months maybe less. I say the sooner the better.

Kathleen Smith is an indie Author, blogger and she has her own podcast Kathleen’s Korner. You can read or listen about her life in Brooklyn and Upstate NY . You can also either read or listen to her personal story of how she and her husband kept their marriage together through 3 miscarriages in Miscarriages My Story