I know what you’re thinking is a sentence so many of us use on a daily basis. I mean think about it, it doesn’t matter who you are if you know a person well enough there is a pretty good chance that you do know what they are thinking.

For example when you’re growing up you have a best friend you talk to about just about everything. You hang out with that person and go places together. Eventually you get to know them pretty well. Well enough to take one look at them and you know what they are thinking. If I remember correctly when it comes to teenaged girls a laugh is usually followed by that look.

Then you have that look between mom’s, dad’s and their kids. After so many years of those kids growing up and the parents raising them, parents have an idea of what their children are thinking. Funny thing is sometimes the kids know what their parents are thinking too. Like with my son, there have been many times where I would let him know what’s for supper before he asks me. He’ll look at me and be like “how did you know what I was going to say”? My answer is always the same “I’m your mom I know what you’re thinking”.

Then there is that classic look between my husband and I. That one look that says “I love you.” Or that look that says “hey there good looking!” Yeah, that’s usually when our youngest daughter says “that’s gross, stop looking at each other like that!” Of course we can’t help but to laugh at that point and proceed to kiss each other. There are other looks too. After being married to each other for almost twenty-five years we know what each other are thinking most of the time. One look says it all. One smile. One glare. I think you get the point. It’s nice to know my husband and I know each other so well that most days we only have to look at each other and we’ve practically had an entire conversation. There are the rare moments when I will look at something and my husband thinks he knows what I’m thinking. That’s when I get to say – “HA, wasn’t thinking that at all!”

There is the occasional I know what that person is thinking too. You know those moments when you’re in the store or somewhere and a customer is getting annoyed with someone or something. I can almost guarantee that someone or everyone knows what that one person is thinking, LOL.

Kathleen Smith is an author, blogger and she has a podcast called Kathleen’s Korner. Among her books you can read about her journey through her three miscarriages and how she leaned on her husband and God through it all in – Miscarriages My Story – Available on amazon and Barnes and Noble