We all have family traits and characteristics that we get from our parents. I would imagine to some extent we also get them from grandparents, aunts, uncles and the list goes on. We even look like some of our relatives. Usually mostly our parents, but when you think about it since parents get their looks from their parents, well you get the idea. I’m no exception to this. I know I have a bunch of traits and characteristics from my parents and looks. The question is who do I get what from and who do I look like the most.

This is something I had to think about for awhile. When it comes to looks for the most part I look like my dad’s Italian family. I have the olive skin tone. I have the dark hair and I have the body size (petite). I have my Italian great aunts to thank for my petiteness. I do have some of my mom’s Irish features. Okay, I have one Irish feature, my eyes are green. Oh, I also have that pointy Italian chin and I’m thankful for the tan I’m able to get from my Italian side instead of burning like a lobster from my Irish side. So when it comes to who I look like the most, It would probably be my dad and my Italian family.

As for who I act like the most when it comes to family traits and characteristics, I’m not sure. I would like to think I have a little of both my parents in me. Preferably all the good of them, but lets be honest I probably have a little of both of their good and bad traits. I do know I tend to talk with my hands a lot like my dad. I’m pretty sure that’s an Italian thing, but I could be wrong. We are both rather impatient about anything and everything. Then apparently there is stubbornness and persistence that I get from my dad. I’d like to think that depending on the situation those could both be good character traits. I do know that when I’m right about something I don’t like to give up until the other person realizes it.

Then there’s my mom. My mom would do just about anything for anyone. I’d like to think I’m like that, but I can’t say that I am. She and I use to laugh at the same things. I am told that one way my mom and I are very similar is by wanting to buy stuff for people or give them things. Which I can see. She was always buying little things for me and my kids as well as doing things for others and enjoying every minute of it. I can honestly say I love to do that too. Buying things for my kids or my husband or other family members. Giving something to someone just because. Yes, I think that’s a good trait that I got from my mom.

Here are some keepsakes from India…and I like them all in a nice line!

You know it’s funny I see a lot of these family traits in my kids as well. They love giving presents to their family and friends like my mom did and I do. My kids at time can be impatient like me. And I have noticed that two of my kids like things to be done in a certain order like I do. They line things up, like I line up my keepsakes from travel. Then there are the character traits my kids got from their dad. We won’t talk about those HAHAHA.

The above is thanks to my “mom” book – My Mom Her Stories. Her Words – It was a Christmas present from my oldest daughter.

Kathleen Smith is an indie author and blogger and she has her own podcast Kathleen’s Korner. You can read more about Kathleen and her family in either Brooklyn Raised Livin’ Upstate or Good-bye Brooklyn Hello Upstate