I have this bracelet that I like to wear on special occasions, like on Mother’s Day. I have a habit of calling this my Pandora bracelet. However my husband keeps reminding me it isn’t a Pandora bracelet. It’s like that, but he says it’s really a charm bracelet. I love it either way!

Last weekend I was given a new charm for this bracelet for a Mother’s Day present from my husband. This new charm is heart shaped and has the name Nana on it. It may be a very small gift, but being a first time Nana it means so much to me. My husband was kind enough to add it to the rest of my charms. I told him exactly where I wanted it. As I look at my bracelet I realized it tells the story of my life.

My new Nana charm was put right between my family charm and the charms for each one of my kids. And on the opposite side of my kids birthstone charms is another heart shaped charm that says Mom. Next to that one is a charm with no real explanation to it. I think that one was giving to me by my daughter for a birthday or Christmas present. I can’t remember.

On the other end of my charm bracelet is a mixture of charms having to do with my life. I have charms with the British flag, the shape of Italy in its flags colors and a charm with the Claddah on it. All of these charms represent where my family comes from. My dads family is completely Italian and my moms family is mostly Irish with a bit of Italian and English put in the mix. All that makes me Irish, Italian and a wee bit of English. Between these charms I have one of a castle because of how much I love walking through and around castle ruins. The other is the Eiffel Tower. That is because I went there once with my family.

Last but certainly not least. Smack in the middle of this bracelet is a charm of a book. This charm represents me being an indie author. I’m rather proud of that charm and the books I wrote that it represents. So that is my life on a bracelet! Okay not my entire life, but it’s the part that is the most important to me. It’s the part that is precious to me.
Kathleen Smith is an indie author and blogger. She also has her own podcast called Kathleen’s Korner. You can read more about Kathleen and her life in Brooklyn Raised Livn’ Upstate.