Can you believe I’ve been blogging for over 5 years! I can’t. It’s funny I started my blog hoping it would help me get more book sales. That didn’t work, but my posts have gone from one paragraph to so much more. My blog now allows me to share about the different countries I’ve visited. It has become a way for me to share my experiences with different foods in different countries. It’s allowed me to share my feelings on love and loss. My blog has allowed me to write letters to people when I knew I couldn’t say what I wanted to in person without crying. It has allowed me to share my thoughts. I wanted to say thank you, to all of you who have read my blog posts at one point or another. Whether you have read one, two or all of them, thank you for taking a few minutes out of your busy schedule to read what I have to say. Thank you!

On a slightly different note I’ve been an author now for over 5 years as well. I now have 3 books self published. One about my miscarriages, one about me living in Brooklyn and Upstate and the last book is a bunch of my blogs put into a book. All of my books are on the Kindle and Audio. And once again I am thankful to all those who have either read my books or who have listened to them on audio. You don’t know how much I appreciate you wanting to read my books or listen to them for that matter.

Last, but not least, I have been doing a podcast called Kathleen’s Korner for over 2 years now. I can’t get over it myself that I have been doing a podcast for that long! I am beyond thankful to all the people who have also taken the time to listen to what I have to say. A lot of my podcasts are about the different places I have been to like Ireland, Italy, England, Scotland and more. I like to explain about the different foods I’ve eaten overseas, my likes and dislikes about the food and places I’ve been. I even like to do podcasts about the different places I’ve been to locally. You really never know what my podcasts are going to be about. Sometimes I don’t know what they are going to be about until I start talking!

With all that said I would like to say how truly thankful I am to all my readers and listeners. Without you my books, blog and podcasts would go nowhere. Thank you for the comments I get on my blog posts. Thank you for all those who have followed me on Twitter after hearing one of my podcasts. It means a lot to me to know that there are people out there reading and listening to what I have to say. Once again a VERY BIG THANK YOU to everyone!
Kathleen Smith is an indie Author, blogger and she has her own podcast Kathleen’s Korner. You can read or listen about her life in Brooklyn and Upstate NY . You can also either read or listen to her personal story of how she and her husband kept their marriage together through 3 miscarriages in Miscarriages My Story