I love fruit! To be more exact I love fresh fruit however I find fresh fruit to be rather expensive. But before I move forward with this blog, let me take a step back for a brief moment. You see usually on Mondays I share my blog and then later on in the day I make a podcast on the same subject. It makes Mondays easier. This time I’m doing things in reverse. Today I am using my podcast to make my blog. For no other reason then I couldn’t come up with anything else to write about, so shall we continue…

The other day I went to our local supermarket with my husband. I had every intention to buy some green, seedless grapes and some Kerrygold imported Irish cheese. I was looking forward to having them for my lunch the following day. I did get the cheese, but when I got to the grapes I saw that they were near four dollars a pound and when my husband weighed a bag they were two pounds, which means the grapes would have been eight dollars. Eight dollars for grapes! That’s crazy! I didn’t buy them.

As my husband and I were walking towards another aisle I asked him how doctors expect us to eat healthy when fruit is so expensive. He was kind enough to tell me the two were not related. Even so, how are people expected to eat healthy when fresh fruit is so expensive? And where I live in Upstate NY the only real fresh fruit we have are apples during the Fall season and strawberries in the month of June, that’s it. All of the rest of our fruit either comes from other states or other countries and by the time we get that fresh fruit, it really isn’t that fresh anymore.

Have you ever noticed how you can get a bag of candy for less than fresh fruit? I have and I find that confusing. We are told not to eat to much candy and plenty of fresh fruit. But the fruit is way more expensive than the candy. I don’t get that. I am happy to say that I was able to go back to that store about two days later, and by some miracle I found a bag of green, seedless grapes that were well under two pounds and I was able to buy them. And you know there is another thing about the fresh fruit. Besides for it being so expensive there is no way my family and I could eat two pounds worth of grapes before they go bad and have to get thrown out. Now that’s a waste of money.

I don’t know, maybe I just have to do some research on where I can get fresh fruit at the cheapest cost as local as possible. Or maybe I have to drive a half an hour or so to get fresh fruit at a decent price. But then I start thinking about how much gas I’m using in my car. Tell me what do you think? Is fresh fruit expensive where you live or a good price? And how much do you think is too much to pay for fresh fruit?

Kathleen Smith is an indie Author, blogger and she has her own podcast Kathleen’s Korner. You can read or listen about her life in Brooklyn and Upstate NY . You can also either read or listen to her personal story of how she and her husband kept their marriage together through 3 miscarriages in Miscarriages My Story