There was a rabbit in my tub! Yes, you read that right, I said there was a rabbit in my tub. You might be thinking why did she have a rabbit in her tub? Doesn’t she know that’s no place for a rabbit? Yeah, I know, but what I didn’t tell you is, this happened when I was somewhere between the age of 5-10.

So this is what happened. I was looking out my window and I saw a brown rabbit. That reminded me of a memory from my childhood which I told my daughter about. After explaining to her about the white rabbit and our tub I thought it would make a cute blog and she agreed so here we go.

When I was little, like I said above, somewhere between the ages of 5-10 my dad, worked for the sanitation department in Manhattan. One day he found a white rabbit hopping around. How this rabbit got into the sanitation department in Manhattan is beyond me, but it did. My dad brought that rabbit home. How I don’t know, my guess is in a box. I do remember being so surprised.

That rabbit stayed in our bath tub. Yep, you read that right again, he stayed in our bathtub. How did we take a shower? This is going to sound odd, but for some reason the bathroom in that apartment had a bathtub along with a separate shower stall. So while it stayed in the tub we took our showers. I do remember one day my dad took the rabbit out of the tub and put it on our couch for us to look at and pet. The next thing you know I see little black things that looked like black olive pits. Yep, the rabbit pooped on our couch! My dad quickly picked up the rabbit and put it back in the tub while my mom cleaned up the rabbit poop.

I don’t remember how long we actually kept the rabbit for. I do remember my parents finally telling me we had to give it away. We knew a family that lived in one of those big homes near Greenwood Cememtery. My guess is the husband was one of the grounds caretakers. Anyway we gave them fluffy, (that’s what I named the rabbit because of it’s fluffy white tail) to this family to take care of. They had lots of out door space for this rabbit to hop around and it was better and healthier for us to not have it in our tub.

I remember being told we could go visit it whenever I wanted to which I thought was a fair deal. Only problem with that is when I asked my parents kept telling me no not today. When I finally asked why they weren’t keeping their end of the deal they told me fluffy died. Boy was that crushing news! So I never got to see that rabbit again, but it certainly is a memory that I can share with my kids, grandkids and now you know.

Kathleen Smith is an indie Author, blogger and she has her own podcast Kathleen’s Korner. You can read or listen about her life in Brooklyn and Upstate NY . You can also either read or listen to her personal story of how she and her husband kept their marriage together through 3 miscarriages in Miscarriages My Story